...Staring out at the neon lights on a rainy autumn
Monday at 4:00pm, can make a man feel dismissive.
The mood of the restaurant is calm and predictable.
Mini vans with fat cigarette smoking women yelling
at their children to stop kicking the seat, whiz
by in a soft teal streak of life. An old rusty dumpster
sits loudly across the street, mocking me because it
has more garbage than I have.
I sometimes fantasize about meeting my future wife
in the rain, and providing shelter to keep her dry and...
The fantasy is interrupted by the tall, skinny, beanpole
outdoors-man jingling coins in his pockets while waiting
for his food. Do women find mustaches attractive? Weird
questions like these pop up, when I can't find the right
radio station to listen to while I'm driving; which is
like all the fucking time!
The outdoors-man leaves in a car that doesn't suit him.
Haha! Holy shit, isn't that everyone's life story? Christmas
music is barely audible, while my teeth crush the last remaining
ice cubes in my plastic coca-cola cup. Damn it's really coming
down out there, God must be taking a well deserved drunken
- Sincerely,
That Little Voice in the back of your head responsible for
the flight or fight response you always ignore.
Portland's strangest duo publishes their literature
This site is a collection of poems/prose secretly written by musician/producer Machine Gun Max, and musician/producer Blind Unkle Vernon (explorers of the dreamworld). Many of these pages sat vacant in boxes - unseen from the eyes of strangers - and have accumulated over many years. Most were never meant to be seen... until now. Today, there are thousands of untitled writings now being displayed in this blog. If you would like to contact them for any reason, they encourage fans to send emails to: explorersofthedreamworld@gmail.com
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